

Torah Portion

Chayei Sarah

Genesis 23:1−25:18
22 Heshvan 5785
Haftarah: I Kings 1:1-31

Sarah lived to be 127 years old--such was the span of Sarah's life. - Genesis 23:1


Journey into Judaism (JIJ)

- CT
27 Heshvan 5785 to 18 Kislev 5785
1077 Grant Avenue , Winnipeg, MB R3M1Y6 CA
This is an in-person event

This class will explore what it means to become Jewish. The classes will dive deeper into the topics that have been covered in your URJ Introduction to Judaism classes and focus on your personal journeys into Judaism.

Torah Portion


Genesis 25:19−28:9
29 Heshvan 5785
Haftarah: Malachi 1:1-2:7 [historic: I Samuel 20:18-42]
Machar Chodesh

This is the line of Isaac son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac. - Genesis 25:19


A Taste of Judaism

- ET
2 Kislev 5785 to 17 Kislev 5785
112 East 75th Street , New York, NY 10021
This is an in-person event

A modern Jewish perspective on living in today’s complicated world. For those who would like to explore or re-explore the foundations of Jewish tradition & values, and for those who may be searching for an entrée to Jewish life. Share in an informal atmosphere which will encourage free & lively discussions of Reform Judaism’s approach to living in our rapidly changing society.